Friday, November 13, 2009

The Gospel According to Larry

Students in Mr. Graham's Fall '09 class can click on the comment button below to share thoughts about their Independent Reading Project books. Make sure you include your first name and last initial, as well as the period you are in Mr. Graham's class.


Bobby said...

so far the book is not so good but not bad, and it is a little confusing at some points. what is confusing is how the main ideas switches through out the book but the book overall is interesting. the things josh/Larry talks about in this aren't what most teenagers think about, but he does show a lot of mentor ship in the book, talking about consumerism and how society is reliant on things.

Bobby per. 3

Robby G said...

So far this book is okay. An aspect I like about this book is the fact that Josh is different. He is not the everyday stereotype of teenager , which makes this book a bit more interesting. An aspect I dislike about the book is that Larry's sermons are a bit repetitive. They are either about anti-consumerism or something that annoys him about Beth. Another aspect I dislike is 'betagold'. This character is obsessed with revealing who Larry really is. However, he/she does not give a reason for it other that ''The world deserves to know.'' , which is a pretty bad reason. At this point, I wish the author would put more elaboration on the reasoning.

Robby G (per.3) 2 said...

Larryfest was a little overblown. I think a small local concert would make a bit more sense but it was still pretty interesting. However, I have to admit finding out Betagold's true identity was a real twist. At fist I had just imagined another teenager, I never thought that an adult would read his blogs. I also have to admit that I find myself agreeing with some of his sermons. The sermons on anti-consumerism are my favorite, I really enjoy them. However, I do not think I am ready to take on the lifestyle.

Robby G (per.3) 3 said...

I cannot believe Josh faked his own death. ( I wonder how Peter reacted.) It was very clever and was executed amazingly.I also cannot believe Beth liked Josh the entire time, it was very interesting to see her leave because most people would love to date a person who is stalked by the media. Once again this book has stated the unpredictable. I would assume that this girl would start liking him because he became famous however, she seemed to want as much attention as Josh.

Robby G (per.3) 4 said...

I cannot believe the ending. I really dislike it because it was a disappointment. In my opinion this book is known for its unpredictability however, it is like the author had to finish because they were late for something. Well overall this book was just okay. I understand why it is on the book list (because Josh clearly shows mentorship). Finally, I give this book two and a half tars out of five.

Bobby T ( 3 period) 2nd said...

something i really liked about this book is how i i felt the same way josh/larry did and that i connected with the book i feel that people have to many wants while other people out in other countries don't even have shoes to wear this is one thing i liked about the book.

bobby t ( 3per.) 3rd said...

i didn't like how people in the book tried so hard as to reveal who josh/larry was. i don't think it really mattered who was saying these things as long as it help better the world.

bobby t (3 per.) 4th said...

i was really surprised that josh/larry was discovered. i was thinking that he would admiit it to the world that it was him also when beth got mad at josh for not telling her and that she would not be friends with him anymore even though he talked and shared the same feelings and thoughts she had, to the world

bobby t (3 per.) 5th said...

the way the book ended was not very good, how josh would fake his own death like that because people knew who he was, and the book gave away to much in the beginning when beth pulled the death card and at the cemetery it foreshadowed that josh would die a reason why i didn't like the book.