Students in Mr. Graham's Fall '09 class can click on the comment button below to share thoughts about their “End-of-Childhood” Independent Reading Project books. Make sure you include your first name and last initial, as well as the period you are in Mr. Graham's class.
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Okay this book is kinda confusing right now. There is a reaping day and what is that soppouse to mean the its a day of haunting and the girl is kinda a wierd to who tried to kill her brother. Wow this is a strong book. Also its pretty long and now i have to remeber the locations and that they the 12th district and up to where their district goes up to. So really its kinda a lot to remember for a book. Maybe mr.Gram shouldn't give me any homework
This book seems very intersting and
and it seems to have a great storyline. I like the fact it starts of talking about the hunger games and how the district are seprated and how the rules work about and how you get choosen. SO far i like this book and i can't wait to get to he action and great details. i do not regert my choice
i think this book as very good introduction. it states the states the problem clearly and why the problem is occurring. so far i know that katniss (the main character) is poor and that she has to hunt (which is illegal) secretly in order to trade for goods and to supply things for her family. its is also the day her sister, prim's, 12 birthday and she is now able to take part of the day of reaping. overall this book is all ready good and i cant wait for what is going to happy when the "reaping" takes place.
I feel sorry that catniss had to risk her life to save another. One thing thats bothers me is that the people seem happy about the hunger games instead of being sad. The boy that was choosen to also represent district 12 is someone catniss does not really know. i'cant wait until the hunger games start.
At first this book is very confusing. Weird place with different like locations. Sounds like the "Capitol" runs everything.
The story has gotten more interesting. Katniss, the main character, likes hunting and he hunts with his friend. Hunting isn't allowed though so hes a bad boy. I'm enjoying it and reading more.
this book is very entertaining and it has a lot of action. the part where they enter the capitol when there "on fire" was a very entertaining part o this book. an example where it has action is when katniss proves she isnt ant small girl to the game makers. overall, this book is just getting better and better.
this book is very entertaining and it has a lot of action. the part where they enter the capitol when there "on fire" was a very entertaining part o this book. an example where it has action is when katniss proves she isnt ant small girl to the game makers. overall, this book is just getting better and better.
this morning i was very behind on this book, at about page 100, but now im at page 222. this book gets very exciting when they start the "hunger games". since the start of the games, katniss and peeta are told to run away as fast as possible and get near water while everybody else is trying to kill each other. when katniss is up in a tree sleeping, she is awakened by a nearbye tribute who starts a fire. later that tribute is killed bye a group called "the careers", which are the top kids from districts 1, 2, and 4. when the careers pass bye katniss' tree she realizes that peeta is there also with the group. evrsince then she has been avoiding all contact with other tributes while surviving from dehydration, starvation, and from unexpected poisiness stings from killer bees. over all, i think this book is very suspenfull as of right now and is better and better every time i read it.
what I found interesting in what i read today is the way katniss and rue team up to fight against the "careers" in order to survive. what is really interesting about this is the connection they have between and how they are able to work together. also, i enjoyed how the author described katniss' anger toward the tribute who killed rue and how she had so much affection for someone she just met. overall, this part of the book also helps katniss realize what peeta said is actually true and that she really wants to show the capitol that there more then just tributes to their little game
It really has gotten intresting with 16 people already dead and only 8 left and i also do not like the fact that katniss is trusting Rue as an ally. If i were in the hunger games my main goal would be to trust no one. The careers team looks like they could win but not if they are a group and after peeta was injuried by cato it really has become a mystery on who could walk out the winner
Wow! i can't belvie how katniss killed that boy from district 1 when she shot an arrow right on his neck but Rue was killed because there was a sphere put threw her spine. And also the rules have changed now that if your parnter from the same district is still alive there could be two winners. Also i liked how katniss put flowers around Rue at the spot she died. I am almost done with the book.
[4] The book is getting more interesting and the action is getting more intense. The hunger games are crazy! People have been dieing a lot and katniss is trying hard to survive.
What a book this was and i can't help but say that from when the games started i knew peeta and katniss would survive together and it actually happen overall this was a great book and it might look long but it is really short. I have to say that i am happy for katniss and Peeta who are in "mad love" now together. Non stop action great book.
Katniss ( the main character ) is a smart kid. She knows what to do to survive in the hunger games. Shes killed a few people and escaped death a few times. The amount of people have become smaller and the competition more intense.
This book was an amazing book overall, It had some bad and slow parts but most of it was fast paced and hard to put down. A lot of action and suspense. I really liked this book although the ending was not something i would expect. I didn't really like the ending.
I have finished this book and i think this book is amazing. the part that brings a question in my mind is what is going to happen to katniss and peeta when they get back? what is going to happen with gale? how or is katniss going to be punished for her little berry stunt? hopefully, i will find the answer to these questions when i read the sequel. above all, i really enjoyed the adventurous and suspencful scenes in this story.
The book is still confusing. Untill i got to the hunger game part. Ya! There are 2 from every district and man isn't it exiting. Also catniss which im not sure if its catniss or katniss is going to be in it. In my opinion she is just ganna get lucky throughout the book and survie everything. Either way she is going to leave every thing behind which would be very hard for me to do.
Kaniss is making it i don't really think she is so smart thought in the book they make her seem smart but i don't buy it. In the book in the beginning the way i saw her there is affecting the whole book. I acually don't like the main charactor. I see here as bad girl in the book. owel. But like i said she is the main charactor and she will survive.
o Thats great the peeta guy is like a wimp he doesn't want to kill anyone. "But when i need to i will kill" Come on. I can't belive that she's with that guy and they like eachother. By the way katniss is acually smart. The way that she is getting the people and its creepy the guy should be better. And she is digging in the girls offffggg. Disgusting i gatta give her some points for courage.
NO The two people is the peeky boy and katniss. I know that the would make it which is why i will create the first book with the main character dead. But i didn't like the ending. The rest of the book was exiting though. Too strong for me and it was really good. I need to read more books like this.
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