Saturday, November 7, 2009

The Rules of Suvival

Students in Mr. Graham's Fall '09 class can click on the comment button below to share thoughts about their Independent Reading Project books. Make sure you include your first name and last initial, as well as the period you are in Mr. Graham's class.


Unknown said...

Sana M
I think the book is interesting. it has a good beginning but some where in the middle it starts to get slow. i think Matt is a very brave and responsible teenager. the way he cares fo Emmy and Callie is just is very touching. I think that the "God teacher" characteristics are very obvious in this book. In this book the author shows how Matt tries hard to talk, walk and even act like Murdoch. Matt likes Murdoch more than Ben.
i think Callie is not really helping Matt, Matt is trying really hard to keep them safe and together, but Callie looks like she is supporting her mom more.

Mr. Graham said...


I was thinking about how hard it must be for Callie. While she knows that Matt is right, she still loves her mom and hopes that her mother will change; Matt is beyond believing that his mother will ever love her children the way a mother should. Maybe Callie will come to this realization later; and maybe not.

Jackie said...

Jackie P
Period 7

I also think the book is interesting because in the beginning, their mom doesn't treat them how other parents would treat their children. But, it starts to change during the middle because the kids set her up with Murdoch and they all act like a real family. Matt, Emmy and Callie think that if their mother keeps spending time with Murdoch then they will be safe and won't have to worry about their mom. But if Murdoch leaves, then the kids would probably go back to living with how their mother was before.

Kevin Casanova 7th said...

Kevin C

I think the book is very interesting. I like how the mom (Nikki) treats her kids so bad but once Murdoch come in the story or in the family tge mom suddenly changes and acts more nicer. But i cant wait to read more!

Sondra V~period 6 said...

The beginning if this book dragged on and on. but as it gets towards the middle its starting to get a bit better. Matt is the main character and he is very brave for sticking up for his 2 little sisters. Personally i think the nikki needs help. i think murdoch should take the kids in. and raise them because nikki is not a very responsible parent and she isnt safe for them. I cant even imaagine having a mother who drives in the wrong lane or puts a knife to your throat. Its a very intense sad story.

Helen T.-- 6th said...

I think the book is okay. Its not that bad, I just thought Nikki was going to be more psyco like actually hurting them physically, because it seems like she only hurts them mentally, emotinally or just threatening them. In the begining of the book she isn't insane at all, a little cukoo, but not insane. Then in the middle she gets kinda crazy driving on the wrong side of the street with her kids in the car with her. I think Matt is a strong kid because he protects himself and his little sisters, even though Callie isn't any help at all.

Jennifer M Period:3 said...

I think that at the begining of the book it was boring. But it had some interesting details. Some of the main characters are matt, callie, emmy,nikki,ben,murdorch. I personally think that matt is my favorite character right now because he shows the god teacher characteristic. He is very strong, brave,and caring, self sacrificing,and compassionate. He is a very responsible teenager because he takes care of his younger siblings, and protects them, i think he is like parent because his mom nikki doesnt even really care about her kids and matt takes care of his sisters. Nikki is crazy shes doesnt care about her kids, comes home late, threathens them its like they never existed for her. shes been dating different guys and one of the guys she went out with with murdorch. he cares about matt and his sisters,matt likes murdorch better than ben, and callie doesnt like him. matt wants murdorch to take care of them because that way they will be safer with him but callie doesnt want to, she supports her mom nikki. Its hard for callie with who she should believe.In the middle i found the book much more interesting and i like now. It has many things, this book is sad and touching.

Ruba per.6 said...

i think the book was actually good. i thought the mother would be worse kinda like the mother from a child called it. I also think the kids matt and callie are very brave. sometimes i think matt should shut his mouth and not talk back but sometimes its a good thing.

sana.M per:3 said...

as i got into the 12th chapter the book became better and fast paced. the way matt callie emmey tried to keep their mom happy was really intresting.
i felt really bad for emmey, she is just a small child who has to be careful and scared of everything. she dosent get to live her childhood life as a child. i felt really bad when her mother was hugging her really hard and her foot was pressed against the edge of the bed, but she didnt cry! this book is very touching
i like the way matt takes his responsibility as an older brother at such a young age. on the other hand i appreciate the way callie looks after emmey. i think their father Ben should've been a little more responsible. he should have been the person who matt looked upto; not murdoch.
But overall the book is GREAT!

Jackie said...

Jackie P
Period 7

I also thought that Nikki was going to be worse like the mother from the book A Child Called It, but she isn't. She doesn't really hurt them physically, but she hurts them mentally with the things she says to them. The book is great and it gets better as I keep reading it. I can't wait to know what happens in the end with everyone.

Jennifer M Period:3 said...

As a keep reading the book it keeps on getting better and i wanna keep on going. I also thought that nikki would be much worse like the book a child called it. She doesnt take care of her kids like a responsible mom would. I feel bad for matt, callie, and emmy because they have to go through tough times and experience them and it most be hard for them with who they want to be and live with like nikki, ben, or murdorch. I wonder how there life is going to be?? what will happen to them?? since their dad isnt there to take care of them and also their mother nikki she doesnt care about them. Matt, Callie, and emmy all try to keep their mom happy so she wont be mad or do anything to them. They dont get to live a normal life like other kids would. I think that matt is very responsibe because he looks after his sisters and imagine if matt wasnt their with his sisters. Their lifes would be very different and difficult because they are small. I wonder why there dad ben doesnt take care of them like a parent would and it seems like murdorch cares more about matt and his sisters and matt looks up to murdorch as like a mentor. The book is great and i cant wait to see what happens at the end and what happens to the kids like who they will stay with and if they will ever have a real family. Its also interesting.

Helen T.-- 6th per. said...

the book is getting better as i am reading on. i just think ben is a sorry excuse for a father. and think matt is right for not calling him dad or daddy. what kind of man lets his son look up to another man. other than that its a good, touching book.

Sondra V-period 6 said...

I really hope that murdoch takes the kids in because Nikki is still not safe for them. i think its kinda werid that matt doesnt call ben dad. but then again his dad hasnt been there for him and his sisters. i feel nikki verbally abuses the kids not really physically.

Kevin Casanova 7th said...

Kevin Casanova 7th

The book keeps getting interesting and interesting. There's drama in the story. I like Callie and Matt are trying not to think about Murdoch so that there mom (NIKKI) wouldn't get mad. I cant wait to read more on what happen between Murdoch and Rob.

Ruba period 6 said...

i agree with jackie p and sondra nikki is not so abusive phically but she mentally is. she wants everything her way. and she always thinks shes right.i have already finished the book and at the end it gets more and more interesting. i think when matt talks to his dad he thinks that everything will be fine, but everything is not as easy as it seems. and murchdoch cant really do anything about the kids because he is not their parent.

sana.M said...

Sana M

i also thought that Nikki would be more abusive(physically), but she is mentally and verbally abusive. i think the car ride that the kids had to take with Nikki was very dangerous and scary. i think Nikki shouldn't force the kids to like her, if they don't like her!i was relived that at least emmey was asleep during the car ride.
i have a feeling that their mom is going to hurt Murdoch because she thinks he is trying to take over her children.
there are a lot of mentors in this book. one of them of course is Murdoch. i think now Matt is showing some of the God-teacher qualities. He is starting to make decisions on his own and it looks like Emmey looks up to him for advice and help.
This book was kind of slow in the beginning but now i just don't feel like putting it down

Jackie said...

Jackie P
Period 7

I agree with Ruba, Matt does think that everything is fine with his dad but its not because they're not really doing anything to make the situation fine. Murdoch won't be able to take the kids in because they're not his children. Ben on the otherhand would probably be able to take Matt & Callie in because he's their dad, but Emmy probably won't be able to go with them because Ben isn't her dad. This book gets more and more interesting with all of these problems. I wonder if the situation gets fixed in the end.

Ruba per.6 said...

I also think though that if they reported nikki for child abuse they would be able to take all three of them under aunt bobby and ben. meaning Aunt bobby and ben would be in charge of them. but it seems as if aunt bobby nor ben are going to do anything thing unless murdoch doesnt something about it, because for so long ben and aunt bobby havent been doing anything and they know how nikki is. the book has many twists to it!

Jennifer M period:3 said...

The book is really interesting. I agree with Sana that the car ride the kids took with nikki was dangerous bcz nikki is crazy and they can get into a car accident and it puts the kids lifes at risk. nikki is mentally and verbally abusive to the kids one day if she goes to far she might hurt her kids and i think if the kids are with nikki its dangerous because their at risk. i think their better if they were with someone else like their aunt bobby. i think murdorch and matt show the god teacher qualites. Murdorch wants to take the kids away from nikki probley so their safe with him but hes cant because its not his children and i think ben should be in charge of them because its their children he doesnt do anything he needs to safe his kids and protect them. i think that at some point someone is going to call child abuse because of what nikki has done and put her jail. this book is very good and i cant wait till the end and what the outcome will be

sondra v--period 6 said...

I agree with Sana that the car ride the kids took with nikki was dangerous she hurt her kids. they should go live with aunt bobby because she would be able to help take care of them.. i think matt show the god teacher qualites. Matt is always there sticking up for his sisters. The best thing for the kids is to get away from nikki.

Kevin Casanova 7th said...

Kevin C. 7th

I cant wait to finish the book to find out what happens at the end with Nikki (mom). I wonder if Ben(dad) keeps the kids so he can take care of them so mom wont take care of the kids and torture them. I also wonder what Murdoch, Ben, and Aunt Bobbie are thinking about or what they are doing to plan to take the kids away from Nikki

Unknown said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Helen T. -- 6th per. said...

i think the best thing for matt emmy and callie is to get away from nikki, because she is not safe for them. i think emmy needs to get away the fastest because people already think she isnt very bright and her being with nikki wont help at all. ben and aunt bobbie should just report nikki instead of matt having to ask some guy he met in a grocery store [murdoch] to help him.

Unknown said...

Sabah B.

i think so far this book has been pretty descent. The starting was very interesting but then it has slowed down for me but overall i do enjoy reading this book. Its kind of sad seeing all these kids at such a young age having to be independent and surviving on there own. Its sad to see how matt had to be so responsible for his younger sisters. I just hope Ben will fix everything up but i think it will be Matt who learns from Ben and makes there life better himself i dont know ill see...

Anonymous said...


Sana said...

i am almost done with my book, and i think it was really good. i really like how Murdoch took the responsibility of 3 abused kids. i think it was very brave of Murdoch to do this. Now i can clearly see the qualities of a mentor in Murdoch. i think Murdoch is a very understanding man. i know that Murdoch is Matts hero.
I felt really bad for murdoch's neighbour Julie. she was someone who was not at all involved with matt or callie. she had to pay a very heavy price for a few hours of "fun".
Another thing that really surprised me was that Matt chose to live with aunt bobbie instead of ben. i think he took the right decision because it wouldn't have been safe for Aunt Bobbie to live in an apartment all alone with her wild sister!
i am reading on and i cant wait to see what the ending would be like!

Anonymous said...

Sabah B
per 3

right now the book has started to get a little slow all right now all hes trying to do is keep murdoch with his mom when the kids set him up with there mother. Because if shes mad or angry then itll be harder for them. And there all actually starting to act like a real family which is what the kids have really wanted.But there mothers relationships dont always last long so there really hoping this one can go far if murdoch can have the patience and bear her. So far the book tends to be very suspenceful.

Sondra V--period 6 said...

Im very happy that Murdoch has been taking care of the kids. I definitely am seeing his god teacher/mentor qualities show more and more. I agree with Sana's latests post, i also feel kinda bad for Juile, Murdochs neighbor. She honestly had nothing really to do with Matt and Callie. She suffered with haveing so to be called fun. Though i wasnt suprised that Matt chose Aunt Bobby verses Ben. The reason im not suprised is because Ben wasnt really apart of the kids lives. He gave the money every month but thats not love. Yes Ben is a good person but i am happy they are now with someone safe. Im enjoying this book!!!

Kevin Casanova 7th said...

Kevin Casanova 7th

I can't wait to finish the book to see what happens with Nikki and what happens to Callie, Matt, and Emmy. Also I wonder why Nikki took Emmy to a trailor. I can't wait to find out what Matt does to get Emmy back from Nikki or if somebody like Murdoch will come and help get Emmy back.

Anonymous said...

Sabah B.
per 3

So far in the story things are going pretty downhill.I think they shouldve just told murdoch the truth from the begging i mean hes an understanding kind of guy. I know its hard for them with there mom around but come on they really should have. Im sure he wouldve done something to help them im sure he would. I think that was a big chance right there, but well see what happens maybe they will say something i hope so!

is to get away from nikki, because she is not safe for them. i think emmy needs to get away the fastest because people already think she isnt very bright and her being with nikki wont help at all. ben and aunt bobbie should just report nikki instead of matt having to ask some guy he met in a grocery store [murdoch] to help him.

Jennifer M Period:3 (blog #4) said...

I am getting closer to the end and its getting really good.I am glad that murdorch took responsiblity of the kids that really shows the qualites of a god teacher.He isnt even related to them that shows that he cares for them and he wants them to be safe.Hes like a parent to them, ben doesnt do his job as parent he should take care of them like a father would but i think their better with Murdorch or their Aunt Bobby.The characters in the book have many responsiblity and decisons to do throughout the book.Like matt, and emmy, and callie have many decisions to make and i feel bad for them because probley some them want to be with nikki and then some with murdorch or ben and aunt bobbie its very hard for them.

One thing that surprised me was what sana said also how matt chose to live with his Aunt Bobbie and i think that was good that he chose that decision hes better off with her and is safer their. so he wont have to live with his mother nikki that just threathens them.I also feel bad for Murdorchs neighbor beacause she had nothing to do with them it isnt her fault and just because of "fun".I wish the kids had real parents that cared for them, were there for them but they dont. Nikki and Murdorch arnt a part of their lifes nikki is just affecting them and Ben doesnt even take care of them he just gives them each month money thats not ok.The kids need love from their parents.The book is great.I cant wait till the end and what happens i hope eveything is resolved and that kids end up being with someone safe.

Jackie said...

Jackie P
Period 7

I also agree with Kevin, it's weird that Nikki took Emmy to the trailor and then just left her there alone. I like how Murdoch took responsibility of the 3 kids and that Ben did something to help them. It surprised me that Matt stayed with Aunt Bobbie instead of going to live with Callie, Emmy, and Ben. I think he made the right choice staying behind though because that way he can stay close to Nikki and see what she does next.

Anonymous said...

Sabah B.
3rd entry

Im in the middle of the book and i must say that its getting very powerful. The form of this novel starts to get very confusing as if the author picked all these random plots and just threw them in there. For example, Nikkis random mood swings dont make sense at times, and how such big events happen so quickly. I really love Murdoch, from how Matt described him it was very heroic how hes working at it so hard to help them. I think a person with a really big heart can do something like that, i can easily see all his mentor characteristics and say hes a very good influence on everyone. But out of all i respect Matt the most. He had grown up and has been independent at a very young age trying to save his little siblings Nikki and Emmy from there unstable mother.

Helen T.-- 6th per. said...

the book is good so far and i cant wait to read on to see if the children are safe in the end. im happy to see that aunt bobbie and ben are working with murdoch to save the kids from nikki. i think murdoch is very brave and he is really nice for helping the three mistreated children. even though ben and aunt bobbie had never helped the kids before i think its very nice of them to help the kids now, although it has taken the help of a strong minded fellow from grocery store. i like the book a lot.

Anonymous said...

Sabah B.
entry 4

Im nearly, at the ending and its getting very suspenseful. Fortuantely things are all looking up for Matt, Callie and Emmie. It seems like almost all there struggles to survival are going to come to an end. Im so glad how everyone has come together and teamed up to help the children like Murdoch (of course) ben and aunt bobbie and how everyone had finally realized what has been going on so far. I was also suprised at how Matt had chosen to live with aunt bobbie instead of ben. But seemed like he had put alot of thought into it and he is a wise kid so i was sure he took the right decision even from my view point. Right now i just cant wait to finish the book i cant put it down!

Jennifer M Period:3 (Entry #1) said...

I think that at the begining of the book it was boring. But it had some interesting details. Some of the main characters are matt, callie, emmy,nikki,ben,murdorch. I personally think that matt is my favorite character right now because he shows the god teacher characteristic. He is very strong, brave,and caring, self sacrificing,and compassionate. He is a very responsible teenager because he takes care of his younger siblings, and protects them, i think he is like parent because his mom nikki doesnt even really care about her kids and matt takes care of his sisters. Nikki is crazy shes doesnt care about her kids, comes home late, threathens them its like they never existed for her. shes been dating different guys and one of the guys she went out with with murdorch. he cares about matt and his sisters,matt likes murdorch better than ben, and callie doesnt like him. matt wants murdorch to take care of them because that way they will be safer with him but callie doesnt want to, she supports her mom nikki. Its hard for callie with who she should believe.In the middle i found the book much more interesting and i like now. It has many things, this book is sad and touching.

November 9, 2009 10:40 PM

Jennifer M Period:3 (Entry #2) said...

As a keep reading the book it keeps on getting better and i wanna keep on going. I also thought that nikki would be much worse like the book a child called it. She doesnt take care of her kids like a responsible mom would. I feel bad for matt, callie, and emmy because they have to go through tough times and experience them and it most be hard for them with who they want to be and live with like nikki, ben, or murdorch. I wonder how there life is going to be?? what will happen to them?? since their dad isnt there to take care of them and also their mother nikki she doesnt care about them. Matt, Callie, and emmy all try to keep their mom happy so she wont be mad or do anything to them. They dont get to live a normal life like other kids would. I think that matt is very responsibe because he looks after his sisters and imagine if matt wasnt their with his sisters. Their lifes would be very different and difficult because they are small. I wonder why there dad ben doesnt take care of them like a parent would and it seems like murdorch cares more about matt and his sisters and matt looks up to murdorch as like a mentor. The book is great and i cant wait to see what happens at the end and what happens to the kids like who they will stay with and if they will ever have a real family. Its also interesting.

November 11, 2009 7:17 PM

Jennifer M Period:3 (Entry #3) said...

The book is really interesting. I agree with Sana that the car ride the kids took with nikki was dangerous bcz nikki is crazy and they can get into a car accident and it puts the kids lifes at risk. nikki is mentally and verbally abusive to the kids one day if she goes to far she might hurt her kids and i think if the kids are with nikki its dangerous because their at risk. i think their better if they were with someone else like their aunt bobby. i think murdorch and matt show the god teacher qualites. Murdorch wants to take the kids away from nikki probley so their safe with him but hes cant because its not his children and i think ben should be in charge of them because its their children he doesnt do anything he needs to safe his kids and protect them. i think that at some point someone is going to call child abuse because of what nikki has done and put her jail. this book is very good and i cant wait till the end and what the outcome will be

November 15, 2009 10:49 PM

Jennifer M Period:3 (Entry#4) said...

I am getting closer to the end and its getting really good.I am glad that murdorch took responsiblity of the kids that really shows the qualites of a god teacher.He isnt even related to them that shows that he cares for them and he wants them to be safe.Hes like a parent to them, ben doesnt do his job as parent he should take care of them like a father would but i think their better with Murdorch or their Aunt Bobby.The characters in the book have many responsiblity and decisons to do throughout the book.Like matt, and emmy, and callie have many decisions to make and i feel bad for them because probley some them want to be with nikki and then some with murdorch or ben and aunt bobbie its very hard for them.

One thing that surprised me was what sana said also how matt chose to live with his Aunt Bobbie and i think that was good that he chose that decision hes better off with her and is safer their. so he wont have to live with his mother nikki that just threathens them.I also feel bad for Murdorchs neighbor beacause she had nothing to do with them it isnt her fault and just because of "fun".I wish the kids had real parents that cared for them, were there for them but they dont. Nikki and Murdorch arnt a part of their lifes nikki is just affecting them and Ben doesnt even take care of them he just gives them each month money thats not ok.The kids need love from their parents.The book is great.I cant wait till the end and what happens i hope eveything is resolved and that kids end up being with someone safe.

November 18, 2009 10:46 AM

Jackie said...

Jackie P
Period 7
(Blog #1)

I also think the book is interesting because in the beginning, their mom doesn't treat them how other parents would treat their children. But, it starts to change during the middle because the kids set her up with Murdoch and they all act like a real family. Matt, Emmy and Callie think that if their mother keeps spending time with Murdoch then they will be safe and won't have to worry about their mom. But if Murdoch leaves, then the kids would probably go back to living with how their mother was before.

November 9, 2009 12:49 PM

Jackie P
Period 7
(Blog #2)

I also thought that Nikki was going to be worse like the mother from the book A Child Called It, but she isn't. She doesn't really hurt them physically, but she hurts them mentally with the things she says to them. The book is great and it gets better as I keep reading it. I can't wait to know what happens in the end with everyone.

November 11, 2009 6:26 PM

Jackie P
Period 7
(Blog #3)

I agree with Ruba, Matt does think that everything is fine with his dad but its not because they're not really doing anything to make the situation fine. Murdoch won't be able to take the kids in because they're not his children. Ben on the otherhand would probably be able to take Matt & Callie in because he's their dad, but Emmy probably won't be able to go with them because Ben isn't her dad. This book gets more and more interesting with all of these problems. I wonder if the situation gets fixed in the end.

November 15, 2009 2:41 PM

Jackie P
Period 7
(Blog #4)

I also agree with Kevin, it's weird that Nikki took Emmy to the trailor and then just left her there alone. I like how Murdoch took responsibility of the 3 kids and that Ben did something to help them. It surprised me that Matt stayed with Aunt Bobbie instead of going to live with Callie, Emmy, and Ben. I think he made the right choice staying behind though because that way he can stay close to Nikki and see what she does next.

November 18, 2009 4:27 PM

Helen T.-- 6th per. said...

Entry #1
I think the book is okay. Its not that bad, I just thought Nikki was going to be more psyco like actually hurting them physically, because it seems like she only hurts them mentally, emotinally or just threatening them. In the begining of the book she isn't insane at all, a little cukoo, but not insane. Then in the middle she gets kinda crazy driving on the wrong side of the street with her kids in the car with her. I think Matt is a strong kid because he protects himself and his little sisters, even though Callie isn't any help at all.

November 9, 2009 9:57 PM

Entry #2
the book is getting better as i am reading on. i just think ben is a sorry excuse for a father. and think matt is right for not calling him dad or daddy. what kind of man lets his son look up to another man. other than that its a good, touching book.

November 11, 2009 8:51 PM

Entry #3
i think the best thing for matt emmy and callie is to get away from nikki, because she is not safe for them. i think emmy needs to get away the fastest because people already think she isnt very bright and her being with nikki wont help at all. ben and aunt bobbie should just report nikki instead of matt having to ask some guy he met in a grocery store [murdoch] to help him.

November 16, 2009 8:47 PM

the book is good so far and i cant wait to read on to see if the children are safe in the end. im happy to see that aunt bobbie and ben are working with murdoch to save the kids from nikki. i think murdoch is very brave and he is really nice for helping the three mistreated children. even though ben and aunt bobbie had never helped the kids before i think its very nice of them to help the kids now, although it has taken the help of a strong minded fellow from grocery store. i like the book a lot.

November 18, 2009 8:46 PM

Kevin Casanova 7th said...

Kevin C. 7th period
1st blog

I think the book is very interesting. I like how the mom (Nikki) treats her kids so bad but once Murdoch come in the story or in the family tge mom suddenly changes and acts more nicer. But i cant wait to read more!

November 9, 2009 4:19 PM

2nd blog
The book keeps getting interesting and interesting. There's drama in the story. I like Callie and Matt are trying not to think about Murdoch so that there mom (NIKKI) wouldn't get mad. I cant wait to read more on what happen between Murdoch and Rob.

November 12, 2009 12:12 PM

I cant wait to finish the book to find out what happens at the end with Nikki (mom). I wonder if Ben(dad) keeps the kids so he can take care of them so mom wont take care of the kids and torture them. I also wonder what Murdoch, Ben, and Aunt Bobbie are thinking about or what they are doing to plan to take the kids away from Nikki

November 16, 2009 6:30 PM


I can't wait to finish the book to see what happens with Nikki and what happens to Callie, Matt, and Emmy. Also I wonder why Nikki took Emmy to a trailor. I can't wait to find out what Matt does to get Emmy back from Nikki or if somebody like Murdoch will come and help get Emmy back.

November 17, 2009 6:45 PM

Kevin Casanova 7th said...

Kevin Casanova--7th period

This book was really good. It had a good plot. I was amazed that Nikki didn't go after her kids. Also I liked how the whole story was formated like Mike was sending a letter to Emmy when he his older. I was confused why didn't Ben take the kids instead of Murdoch.

RUBA GHAWI --period 6 said...

Ruba Ghawi-- ENTRY #1
i think the book was actually good. i thought the mother would be worse kinda like the mother from a child called it. I also think the kids matt and callie are very brave. sometimes i think matt should shut his mouth and not talk back but sometimes its a good thing.

Ruba GHawi--ENTRY # 2

i agree with jackie p and sondra nikki is not so abusive phically but she mentally is. she wants everything her way. and she always thinks shes right.i have already finished the book and at the end it gets more and more interesting. i think when matt talks to his dad he thinks that everything will be fine, but everything is not as easy as it seems. and murchdoch cant really do anything about the kids because he is not their parent.

Ruba Ghawi ENTRY #3

I also think though that if they reported nikki for child abuse they would be able to take all three of them under aunt bobby and ben. meaning Aunt bobby and ben would be in charge of them. but it seems as if aunt bobby nor ben are going to do anything thing unless murdoch doesnt something about it, because for so long ben and aunt bobby havent been doing anything and they know how nikki is. the book has many twists to it!

Ruba Ghawi--ENTRY # 4

even though Murdoch and nikki broke up you would think the children would leave him alone, but they kinda also stalk him to. nikki is crazy for taking it too far and having random men beat him up is NOT a good thing at all. I think he should report her which is kinda whats happening. Im liking the book and this point. its really good towards the end !:)

sana.M per:3 said...

Sana Mohammed
per 3
Entry # 1
I think the book is interesting. it has a good beginning but some where in the middle it starts to get slow. i think Matt is a very brave and responsible teenager. the way he cares fo Emmy and Callie is just is very touching. I think that the "God teacher" characteristics are very obvious in this book. In this book the author shows how Matt tries hard to talk, walk and even act like Murdoch. Matt likes Murdoch more than Ben.
i think Callie is not really helping Matt, Matt is trying really hard to keep them safe and together, but Callie looks like she is supporting her mom more.

November 8, 2009 9:12 AM

Sana Mohammed
Entry # 2
as i got into the 12th chapter the book became better and fast paced. the way matt callie emmey tried to keep their mom happy was really intresting.
i felt really bad for emmey, she is just a small child who has to be careful and scared of everything. she dosent get to live her childhood life as a child. i felt really bad when her mother was hugging her really hard and her foot was pressed against the edge of the bed, but she didnt cry! this book is very touching
i like the way matt takes his responsibility as an older brother at such a young age. on the other hand i appreciate the way callie looks after emmey. i think their father Ben should've been a little more responsible. he should have been the person who matt looked upto; not murdoch.
But overall the book is GREAT!

November 11, 2009 3:01 PM

Sana Mohammed
Entry # 3
i also thought that Nikki would be more abusive(physically), but she is mentally and verbally abusive. i think the car ride that the kids had to take with Nikki was very dangerous and scary. i think Nikki shouldn't force the kids to like her, if they don't like her!i was relived that at least emmey was asleep during the car ride.
i have a feeling that their mom is going to hurt Murdoch because she thinks he is trying to take over her children.
there are a lot of mentors in this book. one of them of course is Murdoch. i think now Matt is showing some of the God-teacher qualities. He is starting to make decisions on his own and it looks like Emmey looks up to him for advice and help.
This book was kind of slow in the beginning but now i just don't feel like putting it down

November 14, 2009 10:29 AM

Sana Mohammed
entry # 4
i am almost done with my book, and i think it was really good. i really like how Murdoch took the responsibility of 3 abused kids. i think it was very brave of Murdoch to do this. Now i can clearly see the qualities of a mentor in Murdoch. i think Murdoch is a very understanding man. i know that Murdoch is Matts hero.
I felt really bad for murdoch's neighbour Julie. she was someone who was not at all involved with matt or callie. she had to pay a very heavy price for a few hours of "fun".
Another thing that really surprised me was that Matt chose to live with aunt bobbie instead of ben. i think he took the right decision because it wouldn't have been safe for Aunt Bobbie to live in an apartment all alone with her wild sister!
i am reading on and i cant wait to see what the ending would be like!

November 17, 2009 5:58 PM

Sana Mohammed
entry # 5
I am done with my book, i really liked the ending. I agree with Kevin and Jackie, it was really weird of Nikki to lock Emmey up in a trailer. But it was good that she didn't physically abuse her. I think they should have arrested Nikki and put her in jail, instead of letting her go. i really how Matt fought back with Nikki. It was good that Murdoch came in at the right time because, if Matt killed Nikki he could be arrested and a lot of bad things could happen to him.
overall it was a really good book, i would rate it 4 stars out of 5.

Anonymous said...

Sabah B
1st entry---->
i think so far this book has been pretty descent. The starting was very interesting but then it has slowed down for me but overall i do enjoy reading this book. Its kind of sad seeing all these kids at such a young age having to be independent and surviving on there own. Its sad to see how matt had to be so responsible for his younger sisters. I just hope Ben will fix everything up but i think it will be Matt who learns from Ben and makes there life better himself i dont know ill see...

Sabah B
per 3
2nd entry---->
right now the book has started to get a little slow all right now all hes trying to do is keep murdoch with his mom when the kids set him up with there mother. Because if shes mad or angry then itll be harder for them. And there all actually starting to act like a real family which is what the kids have really wanted.But there mothers relationships dont always last long so there really hoping this one can go far if murdoch can have the patience and bear her. So far the book tends to be very suspenceful.

Sabah B.
per 3
3rd entry--->
So far in the story things are going pretty downhill.I think they shouldve just told murdoch the truth from the begging i mean hes an understanding kind of guy. I know its hard for them with there mom around but come on they really should have. Im sure he wouldve done something to help them im sure he would. I think that was a big chance right there, but well see what happens maybe they will say something i hope so!

Sabah B.
4th entry

Im in the middle of the book and i must say that its getting very powerful. The form of this novel starts to get very confusing as if the author picked all these random plots and just threw them in there. For example, Nikkis random mood swings dont make sense at times, and how such big events happen so quickly. I really love Murdoch, from how Matt described him it was very heroic how hes working at it so hard to help them. I think a person with a really big heart can do something like that, i can easily see all his mentor characteristics and say hes a very good influence on everyone. But out of all i respect Matt the most. He had grown up and has been independent at a very young age trying to save his little siblings Nikki and Emmy from there unstable mother.

Sabah B.
5th entry----->

Im nearly, at the ending and its getting very suspenseful. Fortuantely things are all looking up for Matt, Callie and Emmie. It seems like almost all there struggles to survival are going to come to an end. Im so glad how everyone has come together and teamed up to help the children like Murdoch (of course) ben and aunt bobbie and how everyone had finally realized what has been going on so far. I was also suprised at how Matt had chosen to live with aunt bobbie instead of ben. But seemed like he had put alot of thought into it and he is a wise kid so i was sure he took the right decision even from my view point. Right now i just cant wait to finish the book i cant put it down!

sondra v--period 6 said...

entry # 1--The beginning if this book dragged on and on. but as it gets towards the middle its starting to get a bit better. Matt is the main character and he is very brave for sticking up for his 2 little sisters. Personally i think the nikki needs help. i think murdoch should take the kids in. and raise them because nikki is not a very responsible parent and she isnt safe for them. I cant even imaagine having a mother who drives in the wrong lane or puts a knife to your throat. Its a very intense sad story.

entry#2-- really hope that murdoch takes the kids in because Nikki is still not safe for them. i think its kinda werid that matt doesnt call ben dad. but then again his dad hasnt been there for him and his sisters. i feel nikki verbally abuses the kids not really physically.

entry #3--I agree with Sana that the car ride the kids took with nikki was dangerous she hurt her kids. they should go live with aunt bobby because she would be able to help take care of them.. i think matt show the god teacher qualites. Matt is always there sticking up for his sisters. The best thing for the kids is to get away from nikki.

entry #4--Im very happy that Murdoch has been taking care of the kids. I definitely am seeing his god teacher/mentor qualities show more and more. I agree with Sana's latests post, i also feel kinda bad for Juile, Murdochs neighbor. She honestly had nothing really to do with Matt and Callie. She suffered with haveing so to be called fun. Though i wasnt suprised that Matt chose Aunt Bobby verses Ben. The reason im not suprised is because Ben wasnt really apart of the kids lives. He gave the money every month but thats not love. Yes Ben is a good person but i am happy they are now with someone safe. Im enjoying this book!!!

entry #5- I have finished the book! i really didnt care for this book that much. i felt it dragged on and was kinda boring. there were some chapters that i really enjoyed but this just wasnt a book for me.

Anonymous said...

Sabah B.

Entry #5
i finally was able to finish this book but i really do strongly agree with Sondra this book wasnt for me and it did drag itself overtime. I mean there were some chapters that made the book kind of pop! Some chapters were so intense and enjoyable while others i coudlnt even stay awake on. I strongly picked this book because i thought the storyline would be like "A Child Called It", because that has been one of my all-time favorite books. But this book you cant even think about matching up that book. I hated how Nikki wasnt arrested at the end after everything they did i think that was completely unfair. She deserved to go in jail so that made me angry! But im glad that Matt didnt kill Nikki because, after all the hard times he faced going to jail would have just ruined his life. In this book i easily saw the god teacher characteristics in Murdoch. He truly did change all of their lives in the book and showed a great example and influence.

Helen T.-- 6th per. said...

Entry #5
the book was in the middle of okay and boring. it was a little interesting in some parts but the other parts were kinda dull and boring. i wouldn't recommend this book because their mother isnt mean or abusive she's just wierd. the ending was good i am happy that matt, callie, and emmy got away from their mother and that they have a happily evey after ending. i give the book 2.5 out of 5

Jennifer M Period:3 (Entry#5) said...

I finshed the book. It was good i would give it a 4 out of 5. This book was interesting and sad and it was suspense too. I feel bad for Matt, Callie, and Emmy because of all they had to go through with their abusive and crazy mom. I think it was wierd too how nikki emmy in the trailor, she was crazy. This book had a great plot and details which made the book good. I cant believe how the kids could stand nikki and how she was all crazy they were at risk because anything could of happen to them. The good thing was that nikki didnt hurt them physically. I am glad that Murdorch came into the kids lifes because he helped them and saved them and took care of them. He was a very responsible person he really cared about the kids. Aunt bobbie was very nice too because she cared for matt and his sisters. I wished tho that ben was more of a parent. I think that Murdorch showed the god teacher qualites beacause of all the things he did for others. He changed the kids lifes by making their life better and safer, he was very responsible. I am also glad that Murdorch came when Matt was going to kill his mom, because if he didnt matt would of killed her and he could of gone to jail and everything would get worse. I think that nikki should of been arrested because of everything she did, she deserved to go in jail. This book was intense and i liked it. It had a great ending all the kids had a happy life and then they grew and it was interesting how matt wrote letters to emmy telling her what happened. Overall it was a good book.

ruba period 6 said...

Ruba G-- ENTRY 5

The book over all was good, but i think there were a few times were it got boring and i didn't want to read it anymore. but after a few pages it would get interesting again. i like the ending of the book it ended well. i wouldn't have guessed that Murdoch's dad was abusive also. But something defiantly made him stand out from the beginning.

Jackie said...

Jackie P
Period 7
(Blog #5)

I agree with Ruba, there were a few times where it got boring and made me not want to read but I kept reading anyways and I'm glad I did because it got better in the end. I would have never thought that Murdoch's dad was like Nikki to her children but it makes sense why he helped them. I also like how the book is a letter to Emmy because she was too young to understand, but I think Matt should've given it to her so she can know how Nikki was and how lucky she is to be living with Ben. Overall, the book was really good.